How to Perfectly Steam Potatoes in Rice Cooker Explained 2023

Do you want to spend hours boiling potatoes on the stovetop only to have unevenly cooked or mushy results? Well, fret no more! This guide reveals a game-changing method to achieve perfectly steamed potatoes using a kitchen appliance you probably already have – a rice cooker. 

Yes, you heard it right! With the help of your trusty rice cooker, you can effortlessly steam potatoes to perfection, retaining their natural flavors and textures. In this article, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of steam potatoes in rice cooker, ensuring foolproof results every time. So, let’s dive in and unlock the secret to flawlessly steamed potatoes in your kitchen!

The Convenience of a Rice Cooker

Using a rice cooker for steaming potatoes offers unparalleled convenience in the kitchen. Rice cookers are designed to automate cooking, making them incredibly easy to use. You can have perfectly boiled potatoes without constant monitoring or heat adjustment with just a few simple steps. 

Rice cookers also come with built-in timers and automatic shut-off features, ensuring that your potatoes are always perfectly cooked. Additionally, most rice cookers have a non-stick inner pot, making cleanup a breeze. By harnessing the convenience of a rice cooker, you can save time and effort while achieving outstanding results in steaming your potatoes.

Why Use a Rice Cooker for Steaming Potatoes

Why Use a Rice Cooker for Steaming Potatoes

Why use a rice cooker for steaming potatoes when other cooking methods are available? Well, rice cookers provide precise temperature control and even heat distribution, creating an ideal environment for burning. The gentle heat the rice cooker produces ensures that the potatoes cook evenly and retain shape. 

Moreover, the enclosed design of a rice cooker traps steam, allowing it to circulate and envelop the potatoes fully. This leads to faster and more efficient cooking, saving you valuable time in the kitchen. So, if you want consistently excellent results and the utmost convenience, a rice cooker for steaming potatoes is the way to go.

How to Steam Potatoes in Rice Cooker

Steaming potatoes in a rice cooker is a straightforward process that yields excellent results. Follow these simple steps to boil your potatoes to perfection:

Equipment needed: Gather the necessary equipment, including a rice cooker, a sharp knife, a cutting board, and a steaming basket or rack that fits inside your rice cooker.

Preparing the potatoes: Select the type of potatoes you want to steam. Whether it’s Russet, Yukon Gold, or red potatoes, make sure they are fresh and blemishes-free. Wash the potatoes thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt or debris. You can peel the potatoes if desired, although leaving the skins on adds extra texture and flavor.

Setting up the rice cooker: Place the inner pot of the rice cooker into the machine. If your rice cooker has a steaming basket or rack, insert it into the pool. Otherwise, you can use aluminum foil to create a makeshift steaming platform.

Adding water to the rice cooker: Pour an appropriate amount of water into the rice cooker, not exceeding the maximum fill line. The water needed may vary depending on your rice cooker’s instructions and the number of potatoes you’re steaming. Generally, about an inch of water is sufficient for steaming.

Cooking time for different types of potatoes: The cooking time will depend on the type and size of the potatoes. As a general guideline, small to medium-sized potatoes usually require around 15-20 minutes of steaming, while larger potatoes may take 25-30 minutes. To check for doneness, insert a fork or a knife into the potatoes. They should be tender and easily pierced.

By following these steps, you can steam potatoes in your rice cooker effortlessly, ensuring they turn out perfectly cooked and ready to be enjoyed in your favorite dishes.

Tips for Steam Potatoes in Rice Cooker

Steaming potatoes in a rice cooker open a world of possibilities for adding flavor and enhancing your culinary creations. Here are some helpful tips to elevate your cooked potatoes:

Choosing the correct type of potato: 

Different types of potatoes have varying textures and flavors. Opt for starchy varieties like Russet or Idaho potatoes for fluffy mashed potatoes. If you prefer potatoes with a firmer surface for salads or side dishes, go for waxy varieties like Yukon Gold or red potatoes. Consider the result you desire and choose the appropriate potato accordingly.

Adding flavor to steamed potatoes:

While steamed potatoes have a natural, earthy taste, you can enhance their flavor by incorporating various ingredients. A straightforward method is to season the water in the rice cooker with salt, garlic, or onion powder before steaming the potatoes. As the potatoes cook, they absorb the flavors, resulting in deliciously seasoned spuds.

Adding herbs and spices:

Experiment with different herbs and spices to infuse your steamed potatoes with enticing aromas. Fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, or dill can be added to the steaming water or sprinkled over the potatoes once cooked. Spices like paprika, cumin, or chili powder can also add a delightful kick of flavor. Adjust the amount of herbs and spices based on your taste preferences.

Adding butter or olive oil:

Add a pat of butter or olive oil to your steamed potatoes for an extra touch of richness. As the heat from the rice cooker melts the butter or warms the oil, it will coat the potatoes, resulting in a luscious and flavorful finish. This step works particularly well for mashed potatoes, as it helps create a creamy texture.

Adding other vegetables:

Steaming potatoes in a rice cooker open the door to cooking other vegetables simultaneously. Add carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, or green beans to the steaming basket or rack along with the potatoes. This not only saves time but also allows the flavors of the vegetables to intermingle, resulting in a vibrant and nutritious side dish.

By following these tips, you can customize the flavor of your steamed potatoes and create a versatile base for various dishes.

Benefits of Steaming Potatoes

Steaming potatoes offers several benefits that make them a suitable cooking method. Let’s explore the advantages in detail:

Retains nutrients: 

Steaming potatoes helps retain their natural nutrients better than other cooking methods. Unlike boiling, where some nutrients leach into the cooking water, steaming minimizes nutrient loss. This means you can enjoy the full nutritional benefits of potatoes, including vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, with every delicious bite.

Lowers glycemic index: 

Steaming potatoes can help lower their glycemic index. The gentle heat and moisture from steaming do not break down the starches in potatoes as much as boiling or frying does. This results in slower digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, preventing sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. Steamed potatoes can be a favorable choice for individuals seeking to manage their blood sugar levels.

Versatile for various recipes: 

Steamed potatoes are incredibly versatile and can be used in various recipes. The possibilities are endless, from creamy mashed potatoes and hearty potato salads to flavorful potato soups and crispy roasted potatoes. Steaming ensures the potatoes are tender and moist, providing a perfect foundation for culinary creations.

Saves time and energy: 

Steaming potatoes is a time-efficient and energy-saving cooking method. Once you set up the rice cooker or steamer, you can let it do its job while you attend to other tasks. Unlike boiling, which requires more hands-on attention, there’s no need for constant monitoring or stirring. Additionally, steaming uses less water and energy than boiling, making it an eco-friendly choice in the kitchen.

By steaming potatoes, you can enjoy their nutritional value, promote stable blood sugar levels, explore various recipe possibilities, and save time and energy in the cooking process. It’s a win-win situation for both your taste buds and overall well-being.

Advanced Techniques for Steaming Potatoes in a Rice Cooker

Steaming potatoes in a rice cooker open up possibilities beyond the primary method. Here are some advanced techniques to take your potato steaming game to the next level:

Cooking potatoes with other grains:

 Add other grains like quinoa, rice, or barley to the rice cooker and the potatoes. This not only saves time but also allows the flavors and textures of the grains to meld together. The result is a hearty and nutritious one-pot meal where the potatoes and grains complement each other beautifully.

Using different liquids for steaming: 

Instead of plain water, you can experiment with using other fluids to cook the potatoes. For added flavor and complexity, try using vegetable or chicken broth, coconut milk, or a combination of broth and wine. The potatoes will absorb the infused flavors, elevating their taste and creating a unique culinary experience.

Cooking potatoes with meat or fish: 

Take advantage of the rice cooker’s steaming capabilities by combining potatoes with meat or fish. Place seasoned chicken breasts, salmon fillets, or other proteins on top of the potatoes in the steaming basket. The steam gently cooks the meat or fish as the potatoes cook, resulting in a flavorful and tender main dish. Ensure the meat or fish is cooked to the appropriate internal temperature for safety.

Using a steaming basket in a rice cooker: 

Consider purchasing one separately if your rice cooker has something other than a steaming basket or rack. A steaming basket allows you to steam the potatoes above the water level, preventing them from becoming waterlogged. It also makes it easier to remove the potatoes once they are cooked without straining or transferring them. A steaming basket expands the versatility of your rice cooker for various steaming recipes.

By exploring these advanced techniques, you can create unique and delicious dishes by steaming potatoes in your rice cooker. Whether combining them with grains, using different liquids, adding meat or fish, or utilizing a steaming basket, the possibilities for culinary creativity are endless.

Troubleshooting Steaming Potatoes in a Rice Cooker

While steaming potatoes in a rice cooker are generally straightforward, you may encounter some common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome potential challenges:

Potatoes not cooked through: 

If your potatoes are not fully cooked after the designated cooking time, check the size of the potato pieces. More extensive or thicker pieces may require additional steaming time. Try cutting the potatoes into smaller, uniform pieces to ensure even cooking. Extend the cooking time in increments until the potatoes are tender when pierced with a fork or knife.

Potatoes too mushy: 

If your steamed potatoes turn out overly soft and mushy, they have likely been steamed for too long. Keep a close eye on the cooking time and regularly check the potatoes for doneness. Adjust the cooking time accordingly to achieve the desired texture. Additionally, ensure you’re using the correct amount of water in the rice cooker, as excessive moisture can contribute to mushiness.

Potatoes stuck to the rice cooker:

Use a non-stick pot or a steaming basket to prevent the potatoes from sticking to the rice cooker’s inner pot. If you use a regular pot or foil as a makeshift steaming platform, lightly grease it with cooking spray or a thin layer of oil to create a non-stick surface. This will help prevent the potatoes from sticking and make cleanup easier.

Rice cooker lid not closing correctly:

If you’re having difficulty securely closing the rice cooker lid, check for any obstructions or debris that may interfere with the locking mechanism. Clean the cover and the rim of the rice cooker to ensure a proper seal. If the issue persists, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions or contact their customer support for assistance.

You can ensure a successful streaming experience for your potatoes in a rice cooker by troubleshooting these common issues. Adjust as needed and continue experimenting until you achieve the desired results.

Cleaning and Maintaining Your Rice Cooker

Proper cleaning and maintenance are essential for keeping your rice cooker in optimal condition and longevity. Here are some guidelines to help you clean and maintain your rice cooker effectively:

Cleaning the rice cooker after use:

After each use, unplug the rice cooker and allow it to cool down. Remove the inner pot and any removable accessories, such as the steaming basket or rack. Wash these components with warm, soapy water using a non-abrasive sponge or cloth. Rinse them thoroughly and let them air dry before reassembling them. Wipe the exterior of the rice cooker with a damp cloth to remove any spills or residue.

Descaling the rice cooker: 

Over time, mineral deposits may accumulate inside your rice cooker, affecting its performance. Fill the inner pot with water and white vinegar to descale the rice cooker. Let it sit for an hour to loosen the mineral deposits. Then, empty the solution and scrub the interior with a soft brush or sponge to remove any remaining residue. Rinse the pot thoroughly with water before using it again.

Replacing parts:

With regular use, certain parts of your rice cooker may wear out or become damaged. If you notice signs of wear, such as a frayed power cord or a deteriorating gasket, it’s essential to replace these parts promptly. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions or contact their customer support to obtain the correct replacement parts and guidance for installation.

Storing the rice cooker:

When not in use, ensure that the rice cooker is completely dry before storing it. Avoid storing the rice cooker with the lid closed, as this can trap moisture and promote the growth of mold or bacteria. Instead, leave the top slightly ajar to allow air circulation. Store the rice cooker in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

Following these cleaning and maintenance practices, you can keep your rice cooker clean, functional, and in good condition for years. Regular care and attention will help you enjoy deliciously steamed potatoes and other meals with your rice cooker.


Can I cook other vegetables in a rice cooker?

Yes, you can cook a variety of vegetables in a rice cooker. Vegetables like broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, and green beans can be steamed alongside the potatoes. Cut them into bite-sized pieces and place them in the steaming basket or directly in the pot with the potatoes. However, remember that different vegetables may have other cooking times, so adjusting the steaming time is essential.

Can I use a rice cooker to bake potatoes?

No, a rice cooker is not designed for baking. Baking potatoes typically require dry heat from an oven or a toaster oven. While a rice cooker can steam potatoes to perfection, it doesn’t provide the exact conditions for baking, such as the direct heat necessary to create a crispy skin.

Can I use a rice cooker to cook sweet potatoes? 

Yes, a rice cooker can be used to cook sweet potatoes, just like regular potatoes. Follow the same steps for steaming regular potatoes in the rice cooker. Sweet potatoes may have a slightly longer cooking time due to their denser texture, so you may need to adjust the steaming time accordingly.

How long does it take to steam sweet potatoes in a rice cooker?

The steaming time for sweet potatoes in a rice cooker can vary depending on their size and texture. It may take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to steam sweet potatoes until they are tender. However, piercing them with a fork or knife is recommended to check their doneness. If they easily slide through, they are ready to be enjoyed.

Is it Better to Steam or Boil Potatoes?

Steaming potatoes is generally considered a better option than boiling, as it helps retain more nutrients in the potatoes. Burning also prevents the potatoes from waterlogging, resulting in a better texture and taste. Additionally, steaming reduces the risk of overcooking and allows more control over cooking.

Can you cook potatoes and rice in a rice cooker?

While you can cook potatoes and rice separately in a rice cooker, cooking them together in a different pot is not recommended. Potatoes and rice have other cooking times and require different water-to-ingredient ratios. Cooking them together may result in unevenly cooked or overly mushy potatoes or rice. It’s best to cook them separately to achieve the desired texture and consistency.


Steam potatoes in rice cooker is a convenient and efficient way to enjoy perfectly cooked potatoes. Following the steps outlined in this guide, you can achieve tender and flavorful results every time. The benefits of steaming potatoes, such as retaining nutrients and lowering the glycemic index, make it a healthy cooking method. 

With the versatility and advanced techniques discussed, you can explore various flavor combinations and even create one-pot meals. Proper maintenance and troubleshooting tips ensure that your rice cooker remains in excellent condition for long-term use. So, embrace the simplicity and versatility of steaming potatoes in a rice cooker, and elevate your culinary experience in the kitchen.

James Foster

Writer and Editor

Hello! It’s me James Foster, the founder and chief editor of Foodies Gallery. I graduated with a degree in Business and Journalism and currently live in Texas, USA with my beautiful wife and daughter. I’m a good home chef and also a content writer. I love traveling the world and exploring different cuisines. In my free time, I enjoy enjoys being outside as much as possible with hiking, boating, and camping in the summer, skating, and skiing in the winter.

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