How to Measure 5ml with a Spoon: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “How to Measure 5ml with a Spoon.” Many of us have encountered the need to measure small quantities accurately, and using a spoon can be a convenient solution. Whether you’re a home cook, a DIY enthusiast, or simply dealing with precise measurements, we’ve got you covered. 

This article will explore different types of spoons and techniques to help you confidently measure 5ml with ease. So, let’s dive in and discover the art of precise measurement using a common kitchen utensil!

Types of Measuring Spoons 

When measuring spoons, it’s essential to understand the differences between the various types available. The two most commonly used measuring spoons are tablespoons and teaspoons. Tablespoons are more considerable, typically measuring 15ml, while teaspoons are smaller, usually measuring 5ml. These two are widely used in cooking and baking to add precise amounts of ingredients to recipes.

Apart from these standard measuring spoons, there are also specialized ones specifically designed for different purposes. For instance, dessert spoons have slightly different capacities than regular tablespoons, and they can be used for serving desserts or adding specific measurements of ingredients.

To ensure accuracy in your cooking and baking, understanding these differences and using the correct type of measuring spoon is crucial. In the following sections, we will delve into the exact measurements of every kind of spoon, allowing you to measure 5ml with your preferred utensil confidently. Let’s proceed and explore the capacities of various spoons for accurate measuring!

What are Volume Measurements

Volume measurements play a vital role in the world of cooking and baking. Understanding volume is all about quantifying the amount of space an ingredient occupies. In the context of measuring spoons, volume measurements refer to the capacity of a spoon to hold a specific amount of liquid or dry ingredients.

In the culinary world, volume measurements are typically expressed in milliliters (ml) or fluid ounces (fl oz) for liquids and in grams (g) or ounces (oz) for dry ingredients. For measuring 5ml with a spoon, we’ll be focusing on milliliters.

Accurate volume measurements ensure consistent and delicious +results in your recipes. Whether adding liquid flavorings, oils, or even small quantities of spices, knowing how to measure 5ml precisely can significantly affect your dishes’ final taste and texture.

How to Measure 5ml with a Spoon

Measuring 5ml with a spoon can be helpful in the kitchen, especially when you don’t have a dedicated 5ml measuring spoon. Luckily, there are various methods you can employ to achieve this precise measurement using regular spoons found in most households.

Method 1: Using a Teaspoon

A standard teaspoon typically holds about 5ml of liquid. To measure 5ml accurately, fill the teaspoon until it’s complete and level off the excess using a butter knife or your finger. This ensures you have an exact 5ml measurement.

Method 2: Using a Tablespoon

While a tablespoon usually holds 15ml, you can still measure 5ml. Fill the tablespoon with your liquid ingredient up to one-third of its capacity. Since one-third of 15ml is approximately 5ml, you’ll have the correct measurement without additional tools.

Method 3: Using Smaller Spoons

If you have dessert spoons or other smaller spoons, you can use them to measure 5ml. Since dessert spoons have a slightly smaller capacity than standard tablespoons, filling them to the brim will give you approximately 5ml.

Method 4: Estimating

With some practice, you can develop a good eye for estimating 5ml using any spoon you have. Observe how the liquid fills the spoon, and once you become familiar with the volume, you can get reasonably close to the 5ml mark.

Precision comes with practice, so don’t be discouraged if your first attempts aren’t perfect. Keep honing your measuring skills, and soon you’ll be able to measure 5ml with any spoon available in your kitchen confidently.

How to Use a Scale to Measure 5ml

A scale is a precise and versatile method to measure 5ml of liquid and dry ingredients. Scales provide accurate measurements by weighing the ingredient rather than relying on volume. Follow these steps to measure 5ml using a scale:

Step 1: Set Up the Scale

Place the scale on a flat, stable surface in your kitchen. Make sure it is clean and calibrated for accurate measurements. Some scales may have a “tare” function, allowing you to reset the scale to zero after placing your measuring container on it.

Step 2: Select a Measuring Container

Choose an appropriate measuring container to hold the ingredient you want to measure. For liquids, a small drink measuring cup would work best. A small bowl or a dry measuring cup will suffice for dry ingredients.

Step 3: Place the Container on the Scale

Put your chosen measuring container on the scale, ensuring it sits securely and does not wobble. If your scale has a “tare” function, press it to reset the scale to zero, subtracting the weight of the empty container.

Step 4: Measure 5ml

Using a spoon or a dropper, carefully add the liquid or dry ingredient to the measuring container until the scale reads 5 grams. Since 1 ml of water equals 1 gram, this method will accurately measure 5 ml.

Step 5: Pour or Add to Your Recipe

Once you have measured 5ml using the scale, pour the liquid directly into your recipe or add the dry ingredient as needed. The precise measurement will help you achieve consistent results in your culinary creations.

Using a scale to measure 5ml is particularly beneficial for precise recipes and when dealing with ingredients that have varying densities. With this method, you can confidently measure small quantities, ensuring your dishes turn out just how you intended.

How to Use a Measuring Cup with a Spoon

How to Use a Measuring Cup with a Spoon

Using a measuring cup with a spoon is handy when measuring small quantities precisely. While measuring cups are usually designed for liquid measurements, they can also be used to measure dry ingredients like spices or powders with the help of a spoon.

Step 1: Choose the Right Measuring Cup

Start by selecting the appropriate measuring cup for your needs. If you want to measure liquid ingredients, use a standard liquid measuring cup marked with milliliters (ml) or fluid ounces (fl oz). Opt for a dry measuring cup, often labeled with milliliters (ml) or grams (g) for dry ingredients.

Step 2: Scoop the Ingredient

Use a regular spoon to take your chosen measuring cup and scoop the dry ingredient, such as spices or flour. Fill the measuring cup slightly above the desired quantity to ensure you have enough. For instance, if you need 5ml, fill it more, and you can level it off later.

Step 3: Level off the Measurement

To achieve an accurate measurement, use the back of a butter knife or finger to level off the excess ingredient from the measuring cup. This will give you the exact quantity needed, such as 5ml.

Step 4: Pour or Add to Your Recipe

Once you have precisely measured the ingredient in your measuring cup, pour it directly into your recipe or add it as required. Be cautious when running, especially with powders, to avoid spills and ensure all measured ingredients reach your dish.

Using a measuring cup with a spoon can be a simple yet effective way to measure small quantities, saving you the trouble of finding specific utensils for each measurement. With some practice, you’ll become adept at accurately measuring ingredients with this technique, resulting in perfectly balanced and delightful dishes.

How to Check the Accuracy of Your Measurement

Ensuring the accuracy of your measurements is crucial to achieving consistent and delicious results in your cooking and baking endeavors. To check the accuracy of your size, you can follow these simple steps. First, use a calibrated measuring instrument, whether a spoon, measuring cup, or scale. 

If you’re using measuring spoons or cups, ensure they are level when filled, and for scales, ensure they are correctly calibrated. Next, double-check the measurement by re-measuring the ingredient to confirm you have the exact quantity needed. If you need more clarification on the size, feel free to measure it multiple times to be specific. 

Additionally, compare your measurement to the requirements in the recipe to see if they align. Lastly, use a backup measuring method to cross-verify your height, like an alternative set of spoons or a different measuring cup. By taking these steps, you can have confidence in the accuracy of your size, which will lead to consistently delightful dishes in your kitchen adventures.

Tips for Accurate Measurement

Accurate measurement is the key to successful cooking and baking, ensuring your dishes turn out just right. Here are some valuable tips to help you achieve precise measurements in your culinary endeavors:

Use the Right Tools: Invest in quality spoons, measuring cups, and a reliable kitchen scale. Having the appropriate tools designed for liquid and dry ingredients will significantly affect your measurements.

Level Off Dry Ingredients: When using measuring cups for dry ingredients, always level off the excess with a straight edge (like a knife or spatula) to get an exact measurement. Avoid packing the element, as it can lead to inaccurate measurements.

Fill Liquid Measurements at Eye Level: For liquid ingredients, place the measuring cup on a flat surface and fill it at eye level to ensure accuracy. Meniscus, the curved surface formed by liquids, can distort the measurement if not viewed correctly.

Zero Out the Scale: When using a scale, remember to zero it out after placing your container on it. This accounts for the weight of the container and gives you a precise measurement of the ingredient.

Practice Estimation Skills: Improve your estimation skills by observing how ingredients fill different spoons and cups. With practice, you’ll become more adept at approximating measurements when precise tools are unavailable.

Read the recipe Carefully: Follow the recipe instructions closely to determine the correct units of measurement. Be attentive to whether the recipe calls for milliliters (ml), grams (g), fluid ounces (fl oz), or other units.

Avoid Overcrowding the Measuring Cup: When measuring more significant quantities of liquid, use a measuring cup with a higher capacity to prevent spillage or overflow, leading to inaccurate measurements.

Clean and Dry Tools Properly: Ensure your measuring tools are clean and dry before each use. Residue or water droplets can alter measurements, especially when dealing with dry ingredients.

Take Your Time: Avoid rushing through measurements. Be patient and attentive to detail to ensure precision, especially when dealing with small quantities.

Double-Check Critical Measurements: For critical measurements in recipes, such as leavening agents, spices, or flavorings, double-check your size to maintain the recipe’s intended flavors and textures.


Accurate measurement is the cornerstone of successful cooking and baking. Whether measuring 5ml with a spoon, using a scale, or checking your measurements, precision is critical to achieving consistent and delightful dishes. Avoid common mistakes like overfilling, using the wrong size, or neglecting to level off. 

Embrace the right tools, read recipes carefully, and practice estimation skills to become a master of measurement. Paying attention to the details and following these tips elevate your culinary creations and delight you and others with every dish you prepare. Happy cooking and baking!


Is 5 mL the same as one teaspoon? 

Yes, 5ml is equal to 1 teaspoon. In most countries, including the United States, one teaspoon is standardized to approximately 5 milliliters. So, if a recipe calls for 5ml of an ingredient, you can conveniently use a regular teaspoon to measure it.

How many spoons is 5ml? 

5ml is equivalent to one standard teaspoon. If you don’t have a 5ml measuring spoon, use a regular teaspoon to measure this amount accurately.

Is 5 mL equal to 1 tablespoon? 

No, 5ml is not equal to 1 tablespoon. One tablespoon typically measures 15ml, three times the volume of 5ml. So, if a recipe calls for 5ml, you should use one-third of a tablespoon.

Is a kitchen spoon 5 mL? 

Kitchen spoons come in various sizes, and the volume they hold can differ. A standard kitchen spoon is not precisely 5ml, but a typical teaspoon used for cooking is generally close to 5ml in the book.

How many mL make one teaspoon? 

One teaspoon is equal to approximately 5 milliliters (ml). This measurement is commonly used in liquid and dry ingredients recipes and is standard in many countries.

James Foster

Writer and Editor

Hello! It’s me James Foster, the founder and chief editor of Foodies Gallery. I graduated with a degree in Business and Journalism and currently live in Texas, USA with my beautiful wife and daughter. I’m a good home chef and also a content writer. I love traveling the world and exploring different cuisines. In my free time, I enjoy enjoys being outside as much as possible with hiking, boating, and camping in the summer, skating, and skiing in the winter.

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